
Following the theme ‘you can get it, if you really want it’ Oliver Bischoff, Danilo Dürler and Johann Goossen founded Ett la Benn in the heart of Berlin.This young consultant agency especially emphasises the creative process. In their approach, the three studied industrial designers work in an interface between creative and strategic development.

At the moment Ett la Benns focus lies particularly on designing master plans for dining areas, accompanying the customer from beginning to end and creating everything in its own completely rounded dynamic flow. All sides of a project are internally examined and of course according to the wishes of the customer, elaborated. In 2010 Ett la Benn remodeled the Toca Rouge located in Berlin. They conceptualized the interior design, corporate design and basically every detail Oliver tells us that the earliest they leave is ‘when the music is playing and the Internet is up and running’. Olivers, Danilos and Johanns strength especially includes their diversity that brings them together and from which they draw an incredible energy. This allows them to create a special dynamic in which the three seem to perfectly complement each other. ‘A single part of a bigger picture, can never exist on its own, it has to be complemented by a whole nexus to really attain perfection’, as Ett la Benn would say. The principles of their work include a broad foresight and candidness, flexibility, taking in external inspiring influence and of course networking. Each of Ett la Benns projects are designed freely and only hitched to very few fixed points. Between these fix points Oliver, Danilo and Johann move back and forth without being bound to rigid structure. Whether a result is ultimately what you had in mind at the beginning, depends mainly on the way leading to the goal. The ‘Kami Pots’ shown on this years DMY in Berlin for example, were actually part of a joint venture with Werner Eislinger that as meant to be exhibited in Milan in 2008. Ultimately, the prototypes, consisting of cellulose and viscose in the form of a beautiful ceramic vases row created. Ett la Benn shows us that a mixture of good ideas, creative liberty and contradictory impulses lead to a new dimension of solutions and concepts.

Text by Hannah Edwards | Images by Caroline Kurze

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