#59- Monifaktur – 1st Advent raffle


So the first Advent has already happened again. And that means that Christmas is in 22 days. When I saw five tealights at my friend’s house yesterday night, I started panicing if i might have missed Christmas. No I haven’t. But it’s obvious now: the pressure is rising and presents don’t appear out of thin air.

Therefore I want you to go through December a little more laid-back as you can win a t-shirt from UCON. For our collaboration my watercolourmasks, -animals, -shield and -houses were printed in fine high resolution silk print on a 100% combed cotton shirt.

The winner is Valentin Willaredt, Congratulations!

To win the Rhombus Tee send a mail with your full name and your size to win@ignant.de. Everyone who participates will take part in the drawing. The winner will be selected randomly, he/she will be announced here on Wednesday, December 4th. Good luck!

See you next Advent!

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